Companies all over the world rely on Virsuit's medical full-body protective suits. Because Virsuit is able to produce protective suits in large quantities and at the same time of excellent quality. For this reason, the brand has emerged as one of the top manufacturers of full-body protective suits for the European region.
Your manufacturer for full body protective suits
Countries that already trust Virsuit
Global companies trust us

Finding medical disposable protective equipment in large quantities and at the same time of excellent quality is not always easy. Therefore, we have specialized in the wholesale of protective suits that meet the highest quality standards in Europe & correspond to international space.
Our wholesale customers benefit from our ability to deliver large quantities of protective suits quickly and efficiently.
Medical protective coveralls manufacturer & exporter out of turkey
The production of protective suits at Virsuit is characterized by a combination of innovative technologies and sustainable practices. In our modern production facility, we rely on advanced manufacturing methods to ensure the highest quality of our products. Every step in the production process, from the selection of raw materials to final manufacturing, is strictly monitored to ensure that each protective suit meets our high standards. We pay particular attention to the sustainability of our production. We use environmentally friendly materials and processes that not only protect the environment but also ensure the health and safety of our employees.
Production to the highest standards
Technology and sustainability combined
BSCI - Code of Conduct
This audit confirms that Virsuit adheres to the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) standard, which focuses on improving working conditions in the global supply chain. Compliance with the BSCI Code of Conduct demonstrates our commitment to fair working conditions, social standards and ethical business practices.

ISO 9001 quality assurance
ISO 9001 is a globally recognized quality management system standard that helps companies consistently deliver products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements.

SA 8000 - Occupational Safety
The SA8000 certification stands for social responsibility at work. This standard covers nine key areas, including protection against child and forced labor, ensuring health and safety at work, the right to freedom of association and fair remuneration.

Sedex Member
Sedex is an organization that promotes responsible business practices worldwide. Virsuit benefits from membership through improved supply chain transparency, risk management, access to SMETA audits and the opportunity to network with other sustainably focused companies

Disposable protective suit for efficiency and comfort
CE - Certified
EU-wide requirements for safety, health protection and environmental protection

PPE protective clothing
PPE Regulation (EU) 2016/425

EN 14126
EN 14126:2003 + AC:2004
Protective clothing against infectious agents

EN 14605:2005 + A1:2009
Protection against pressurized liquid chemicals

EN 14605:2005+A1:2009
Protection against liquid aerosols

EN ISO 13982-1:2004+A1:2010
Protective clothing against solid
chemical particles

EN 13034:2005+A1:2009
Limited protection against liquid chemicals

PPE protective suit:
Security according to EU standards
Our disposable protective suits are the perfect solution for medical personnel who require a high level of protection and comfort at the same time. These suits are lightweight, breathable, yet provide comprehensive protection essential for everyday use. In order to adequately protect you and your employees from unwanted events, the Disposable protective suit by Virsuitvarious protection requirements. This includes, among other things, protection against: infectious agents, liquid chemicals, solid chemical particles and liquid aerosols.

What distinguishes our full body protective suit?
breathable fabric
Our breathable fabric allows the user to move freely and keeps sweat to a minimum so your employees can do their work without unnecessary interruption.
high quality fabric
We source our materials from high-quality & sustainable resources. We also ensure the health of our employees through constant checks and controlled production rooms.
100% quality control
JEvery full-body protective suit is 100% quality controlled after completion. This process ensures that no product leaves our factory with faulty stitching or fabrics and that no users are ever put at risk.
At Virsuit, we understand the importance of reliable protection in medical environments. Our full body protective suit is not only a symbol of safety, but also a commitment to the highest quality. Each suit is carefully crafted to provide maximum protection against viruses, chemicals and other hazards.
Satisfied costumers
“As a dental surgeon, I wear the Virsuit white coat during dental treatments. I feel good when I work; they are soft, very protective and look very good at the same time. An extremely good experience during Covid times!”

Dr. Neslihan Efeoğlu
Dental surgeon
“Virsuit’s protective suits are very comfortable to wear. The shoe covers with their anti-slip sole are a great help at work. You don’t sweat in them, whereas in others you do after 10 minutes.”

Sezai Zorlu
Disinfection worker
Wie wählt man den richtigen Schutzanzug aus?
Bestimmen Sie den Schutzbedarf
Bevor Sie einen Schutzanzug auswählen, ist es wichtig, die spezifischen Gefahren in Ihrer Arbeitsumgebung zu verstehen. Ob Sie gegen chemische Substanzen, biologische Agentien oder Partikel geschützt sein müssen, bestimmt die Art des benötigten Schutzanzugs.
Einweg vs. Mehrweg: Was ist die beste Option für Sie?
Einweganzüge sind ideal für Situationen, in denen das Risiko einer Kreuzkontamination besteht oder wenn die Reinigung und Wartung von Schutzkleidung nicht praktikabel ist. Sie bieten eine kosteneffiziente Lösung für den einmaligen Gebrauch.
Mehrweganzüge bieten eine langlebige Lösung für wiederholte Anwendungen. Sie sind oft robuster und müssen nach jedem Gebrauch entsprechend gereinigt und desinfiziert werden. Langfristig können sie eine kostensparende Alternative darstellen.
Anwendungsbereiche von Schutzanzügen
Medizinischer Bereich
Im medizinischen Sektor sind Schutzanzüge unerlässlich, um Personal vor Infektionen, insbesondere in Zeiten von Pandemien, zu schützen. Sie sind auch wichtig beim Umgang mit infektiösen Stoffen in Laboren.
Industrie und Chemie
In der chemischen Industrie schützen Anzüge die Träger vor gefährlichen Substanzen, einschließlich Säuren, Laugen und toxischen Flüssigkeiten. Die richtige Auswahl ist entscheidend, um Haut- und Atemwegsverletzungen zu vermeiden.
Pflege und Wartung von Schutzanzügen
Pflegehinweise für Einweganzüge
Einweganzüge sollten nach Gebrauch gemäß den lokalen Vorschriften für gefährliche Abfälle entsorgt werden. Es ist wichtig, Kreuzkontaminationen zu vermeiden, indem sie sofort nach Gebrauch sicher entfernt und entsorgt werden.
Reinigung und Desinfektion von Mehrweganzügen
Mehrweganzüge erfordern eine sorgfältige Reinigung und Desinfektion nach jedem Gebrauch. Befolgen Sie stets die Herstelleranweisungen bezüglich Reinigungsmitteln und -methoden, um die Schutzeigenschaften des Anzugs nicht zu beeinträchtigen.
Vergleich: Einweg- vs. Mehrweg-Schutzanzüge
Während Einweganzüge anfänglich günstiger erscheinen, können Mehrweganzüge auf lange Sicht kosteneffizienter sein, vor allem in Umgebungen, wo Schutzanzüge häufig benötigt werden.
Mehrweganzüge haben in der Regel eine geringere Umweltbelastung, da sie weniger Abfall erzeugen. Die Auswahl von umweltfreundlichen Reinigungsmethoden kann diese Auswirkungen weiter reduzieren.
Schutz und Sicherheit
Sowohl Einweg- als auch Mehrweganzüge können hohen Schutz bieten, vorausgesetzt, sie werden korrekt verwendet. Die Entscheidung sollte basierend auf der spezifischen Gefährdung und den Arbeitsbedingungen getroffen werden.

In times of the corona pandemic, the need for specialized protective suits has increased significantly. Virsuit has responded to this challenge by offering Corona protective suits specifically designed to protect medical staff and other professionals on the front lines fighting the virus. These protective suits are designed to...comprehensive protection against the transmission of viruses offer without compromising freedom of movement or comfort.
The Corona protective suit for essential protection
in times of pandemic
Quality that convinces
Get started with Virsuit now
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